Enhanced Auction System & User Experience at NewCrop

The challenge
NewCrop's founder and CEO, Patrick Chaffey, approached Vinta to build additional features, root out bugs and optimize the existing code. But before Vinta's introduction to NewCrop, the application had essential features missing in its auction system and serious usability issues on both the end-user and administrator interfaces.
From optimization to UX improvements
Initially, NewCrop's founder and CEO, Patrick Chaffey, approached Vinta to build additional features, root out bugs, and optimize the existing code. The code was written in Meteor, a full-stack JavaScript framework for building reactive web applications. Since an auction system involves lots of real-time updates, Meteor is a good tool for an application like NewCrop.
Before Vinta's introduction to NewCrop, the application had essential features missing in its auction system and severe usability issues on both the end-user and administrator interfaces. We thought our services could deliver more value to them if we improved the user experience of the auctions and delivered some of these essential features, when NewCrop agreed, we shifted for these more urgent fixes.
Vinta implemented the new auction system according to specs provided by NewCrop. Continuous quick communication via Slack and in-depth issue discussions through Asana was essential for keeping a good development pace and preventing blockers. We also worked together with a NewCrop UI designer to implement improved versions of the coffee offering and administration pages. We not only converted a pure HTML/CSS layout into a full-featured Meteor template but also worked by giving feedback and ideas on User Experience details. At the end of those iterations, NewCrop had a more usable product, being able to fulfill expectations from both sides of the marketplace: producers and roasters.