Vinta at DjangoConEU 2021

Rob Novelino
May 31, 2021

We are back at DjangoCon EU! It's been a while since we've been to this side of the Atlantic, but we are excited to reconnect with the European Django community. Our last trip here was in 2017 when we gave two talks back in Florence. 

DjangoCon comes back in the same remote model they did last year. A necessity after the COVID-19 pandemic discouraged many people from attending in-person events. In their own words, the event: "We welcome people from all over the world. Our conference seeks to educate and develop new skills, best practices, and ideas for the benefit of attendees, developers, speakers, and everyone in our global Django Community."

If you still need to attend, we strongly recommend you check their profiles here and here. This way, you can check talks from past editions and stay in on the news about where the conference will happen next year!

This year, the conference will run for five days. It is distributed, as usual, between talks, tutorials, and sprints. One of our product managers, Amanda Savluchisnke, will talk about Django channels and how to use it to build a real-time chat! It will air on June 2nd at 10:45 AM GMT. If that schedule doesn't work for you, no worries; a recording will be available on their YouTube channel.

Our talk at the event

Your very own real-time chat with Django Channels

Speaker: Amanda Savluchinske

Talk recording: link to talk

About the talk:

Does building your real-time chat with Django sound fun to you? Let's get some help from Django Channels to do so. In this talk, I'd like to illustrate how we can use Django Channels for various purposes by showcasing its concepts and diverse use cases.

This talk will cover beginner topics around Django Channels and will teach attendees the basics of building a simple real-time chat using the library.

This talk is more relevant to beginners interested in learning more about Django Channels. To fully grasp the subjects discussed, attendees will need basic knowledge of Django (or at least Python).

Some of the takeaways for attendees by the end of the talk will be:

  • What is Django Channels, and how does it work?
  • Main concepts for primary usage
  • How can we use the library to build cool stuff, such as a real-time chat