<p>DjangoCon US is back this year! After 12 consecutive years of gathering Django enthusiasts from all over the globe, last year’s gap was deeply felt. DjangoCon US is a very important event in Vinta’s yearly calendar since we joined the conference for the first time in 2017. Our experience was so good that we’ve been sponsoring it since 2018, and we are happy to be able to attend and sponsor it again this year.<br></p><h2 id="my-first-djangocon-us-experience-and-why-you-should-attend-too">My first DjangoCon US experience and why you should attend too</h2><p>I first attended the event in 2017. The event calendar that year was a marathon! My business partners and I arrived after having attended <a href="https://2017.djangocon.com.au/">DjangoCon AU</a> and <a href="https://pybay.com/">PyBay</a> (two awesome events in their own right), and yet DjangoCon US left it’s own special mark on us. <strong>We went there to give two talks, which you can check <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjzyOyLbvN8">here</a> and <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMRHFlDxaqU">here</a>, but the atmosphere of the event was what really stuck with us.</strong><br></p><p>Sure, PyCon US claims the throne as the largest Python event in the world with its awestrucking number of attendees — but the <em>receptiveness </em>we felt and conversations we had in DjangoCon US were unparalleled. Not only the other talks we watched were eye-opening, but the sprints were very exciting as well. We saw the community really standing behind them and contributing to several projects. You can check my full account of that DjangoCon experience <a href="https://www.vinta.com.br/blog/2017/going-to-technical-events-is-awesome-djangocon-experience/">here</a>.<br></p><h2 id="talks-we-are-looking-forward-to">Talks we are looking forward to</h2><p>Although all the outlines are not on the website yet, <a href="https://2021.djangocon.us/news/announcing-talk-lineup/">the selected talks for this year’s edition are already out</a>. From this list, we are sure the event will keep its high standards this year. As a consultancy <a href="https://www.vintasoftware.com/services/django-consulting/?utm_campaign=django-consulting&utm_source=djangocon_us_2021&utm_medium=sponsor_list">focused on complex django projects</a>, when people from Vinta attend events, we go for talks that will allow us to increase the quality we deliver to our clients. Here are a couple of the talks that have piqued our attention here at Vinta, either because of the speaker or the subject, and we’ll be sure to attend this year:</p><ul><li>graphene-django or: How I learned to stop RESTing and Love the Graph by Dane Hillard (<a href="https://twitter.com/easyaspython">twitter</a>, <a href="https://dane.engineering/">website</a>)</li><li>Managing the Test Data Nightmare by Andrew Knight (<a href="https://twitter.com/AutomationPanda">twitter</a>, <a href="https://automationpanda.com/">website</a>)</li><li>The Web is Inherently Accessible by Rachele DiTullio (<a href="https://twitter.com/racheleditullio">twitter</a>, <a href="https://racheleditullio.com/">website</a>)</li><li>Securing Django Applications by Gajendra Deshpande (<a href="https://twitter.com/gcdeshpande">twitter</a>, <a href="https://gcdeshpande.github.io/">website</a>)</li><li>Zero to production-ready: a best-practices process for Docker packaging by Itamar Turner-Trauring (<a href="https://twitter.com/itamarst">twitter</a>, <a href="https://pythonspeed.com/">website</a>)</li><li>Desmitificando el Mantenimiento by Katherine Michel (<a href="https://twitter.com/KatiMichel">twitter</a>, <a href="https://github.com/KatherineMichel">website</a>)<br></li></ul><h2 id="on-a-final-note">On a final note</h2><p>We at Vinta believe a lot in the transformative power of community-led events, both for the individual that attends them and for the companies that support them. Individuals get to learn a lot on different subjects, interact with people from various backgrounds, and find fertile ground for future collaboration. All this while companies benefit a lot from the open-source talks and code generated in these conferences: Giving back while increasing employee satisfaction surely won’t hurt, right?<br></p><p>If you are still not convinced and want a taste of what you’ll find at conferences all over the world, you should definitely check our <a href="https://www.youtube.com/c/VintaSoftware">YouTube channel</a> where you’ll find loads of talks both in English and in Portuguese. Most conferences make their talks and keynotes available some time after the conference as well, and these videos are definitely worth checking out. If you want more reports on other events, you can check our blog <a href="https://www.vinta.com.br/blog/category/conference/">under the tag 'conference'</a>, and see the ones that attract you the most.<br></p><p>The community is also sensible for those who for numerous reasons can’t pay the price necessary to attend some conferences, and have all sorts of financial aids for those situations. If you fit the eligible profiles for the event you want to attend but can’t afford to go, definitely check it out!</p>
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