JavaScript Lambda Expressions

André Ericson
September 11, 2023

Lambda expressions are present in most modern programming languages (JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Java, etc.). They are expressions mainly used to create concise (usually single-line) anonymous functions, making them a powerful feature of the JavaScript language and an essential concept for modern web development. This is why I delve deep into the world of JavaScript lambda expressions in this comprehensive blog post. I'll explore their syntax and showcase practical examples to illustrate how they can be harnessed to write more concise and expressive code.

So, let's harness JavaScript lambdas' full potential and uncover how they can empower your web development endeavors.

What Are JavaScript Lambda Expressions?

Lambda expressions in JavaScript are often referred to as arrow functions. They allow the creation of function expressions without needing the traditional function keyword.

Arrow function syntax

Let's take a closer look at the syntax of arrow functions. In JavaScript, you can make a one line Javascript anonymous lambda function with arrow functions:

const anon = (a, b) => a + b;

An arrow function is concise and convenient, providing a shorter syntax for anonymous functions. Here's another example of similar functionality, but now with multiple lines:

const anon = (a, b) => { 
   return a + b;

When you have a single parameter, you can even omit the parentheses:

const anon = a => a * 50;

And if you have no parameters, it would look like this:

const anon = () => {};

Advantages of JavaScript Arrow Functions

Depending on the context, the simplified syntax of arrow functions can make your code more readable and elegant. For instance, you can transform this:

// Returns Array [ 2, 4 ]
[1, 2, 3, 4].filter(function (value) { 
    return value % 2 === 0;

Into this:

[1, 2, 3, 4].filter(value => value % 2 === 0);

Using arrow functions can reduce code verbosity and improve readability by eliminating the need for the function keyword and providing a shorter syntax for declaring functions.

The other significant advantage of arrow functions is that it does not have value for this. Inside an arrow function, this is lexically bound to the enclosing scope. Arrow functions eliminate the need for workarounds like saving the this value in a separate variable to access it inside a callback function, resulting in cleaner and more intuitive code. See the example below:

// this dumps data to a file and get the name of the file via a callback
class Logger {
  dumpData(data) {
    var _this = this;
    dump(data, function (outputFile) {
      _this.latestLog = outputFile;

// with arrow functions, we just use `this` directly
class Logger {
  dumpData(data) {
    dump(data, (outputFile) => (this.latestLog = outputFile));

Although, in that case, the lexical binding of this is helpful, arrow functions lead to some gotchas.

Things to Think About When Using JavaScript Arrow Functions.

While arrow functions offer remarkable benefits, they also come with a few considerations:

1. Arrow functions do not allow the manipulation of the this value.

Unlike traditional functions, you cannot change the this value using methods like call() or apply(). Remembering this when working with arrow functions is essential to maintain the proper context.

2. Unlike traditional functions, arrow functions do not have access to the arguments variable:

(function () {console.log(arguments)})(1, 2); // will output [1, 2] 

(() => console.log(arguments))(1, 2); // will raise ReferenceError: arguments is not defined

The lack of arguments encourages the use of rest parameters or the spread operator to manage function arguments:

((...args) => console.log(args))(1, 2); // will output [1, 2]

Read more about rest parameters here.

3. Lastly, be careful when returning object literals

// 'foo: 1' is interpreted as a statement composed of a label and the literal 1.
// returns undefined
(() => {foo: 1})();

// the correct way should be wrapping it with parenthesis.
// returns Object {foo: 1}
(() => ({foo: 1}))();

If you're interested in further improving the reliability and maintainability of your JavaScript projects, take a look at this informative blog post on adding types with TypeScript.